Heavenly Jelly (Poster)
This is a short film project my room mate Jorge Villarreal Jr, directed last year. I'm working on the poster but it has been a challenge so far. I was under deadline so I had to come up to a fast way to render a 3D jar, so I used Dimension CC. Since it was the first time I had to work on the software, it gave me a bit of a headache (my imported .obj wasn't working). But in the end, I managed.
The project is not yet finished. I'm waiting on Jorge to let me know from which direction he wants the light beam to come from (personally, I rather the one where the beam comes from the left) Still, got me time to do a funny "Got Milk" reference.
I hope I can get feedback from anyone. (Don't be harsh on the last 2 posters, I haven't applied shadows yet)